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What are Economy Paint Booths? Leading Paint Booth Company | Paint Booths For Sale

What are Economy Paint Booths?

An economy paint booth is affordable, energy-efficient, and code compliant. Read our blog to learn more about economy booths.

Water vs. Solvent Based Paint [Explained by Experts] Leading Paint Booth Company | Paint Booths For Sale

Water vs. Solvent Based Paint [Explained by Experts]

Water vs. Solvent Based Paint: With Accudraft It’s Your Choice   By: Jeremy Winters   In an industry that’s ever changing like collision repair, typically your options are limited. In the past few years, waterborne paint technology has surpassed solvent technology by leaps and bounds. While solvent paints still work, most everything done by the…

How Long Does It Take for Car Paint to Dry? Leading Paint Booth Company | Paint Booths For Sale

How Long Does It Take for Car Paint to Dry?

There are many factors that contribute to paint drying times, such as the size of surface being sprayed, type of coating being used, and the setup of the paint booth.

Open vs Enclosed: Paint Booths Explained Leading Paint Booth Company | Paint Booths For Sale

Open vs Enclosed: Paint Booths Explained

The best approach to buying a paint booth is comparing all the available options. For industrial facilities, open and enclosed paint booths tend to be the top contenders.

Spray Gun Tips for Flawless Finishing Leading Paint Booth Company | Paint Booths For Sale

Spray Gun Tips for Flawless Finishing

While paint booth configuration and surface preparation play a major role in the finishing process, there are some tips and tricks that may also help.

3 Common Paint Booth Maintenance Mistakes Leading Paint Booth Company | Paint Booths For Sale

3 Common Paint Booth Maintenance Mistakes

Everyone knows the best practices when it comes to paint booth maintenance—but not every shop follows them.

Paint Booth Support: Does it Matter? Leading Paint Booth Company | Paint Booths For Sale

Paint Booth Support: Does it Matter?

While things can seem like a cheaper and better investment up front, is it really better if the company doesn’t come through when things go wrong? What are the availability of parts?

Is the Future of Paint Booths… The Internet? Leading Paint Booth Company | Paint Booths For Sale

Is the Future of Paint Booths… The Internet?

For us long-time techs, think back to when backup cameras first started coming out and the video quality they had compared to the video quality now. These days, millions of lines of coding in the computer are constantly managing hundreds of electrical components, sensors, and even Wi-Fi connections.

Paint Booth Engineering FAQ – Ask the Experts Leading Paint Booth Company | Paint Booths For Sale

Paint Booth Engineering FAQ – Ask the Experts

At Accudraft, we’ve been manufacturing paint booths for the last forty years, meaning we’ve seen and heard it all. From our decades of experience, we’ve put together the most frequently asked paint booth engineering questions and answers.

Connected Paint Booth Data – 5 Key Features Leading Paint Booth Company | Paint Booths For Sale

Connected Paint Booth Data – 5 Key Features

The finishing industry is seeing huge shifts towards connectivity, cloud technology, and automation. Shops want to be more informed of their paint booth’s performance, and the industry is finally catching up to demand. Paint booths are now being connected to real-time data software to track key metrics.

Leading Paint Booth Company | Paint Booths For Sale