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How to expand your shop wiht an outdoor paint booth

How to Expand Your Shop with an Outdoor Paint Booth

Working with limited space? Contemplating moving to a new location in order to expand your operations? There are better solutions. Instead of taxing your monthly building expenses to the breaking point, invest in an Accudraft outdoor paint booth to expand right where you are. Limited Space Hinders Shop Productivity If you are already operating an…

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should i pair my paint booth with a mixing room

Should I Pair My Paint Booth with a Mixing Room?

Frankly, all paint booth operators should have a mixing room on-site —and most shops are required to have one. Even the smallest shops could benefit from the enhanced worker safety and a cleaner work environment that a mixing room adds to your shop. Mixing rooms are a part of your overall operation that many shop…

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best paint booth accessories

The Best Paint Booth Accessories

Most paint booth operators in the U.S. know that Accudraft Paint Booths are among the best on the market. Operating one of our paint booths alone can handle a bigger load than most other paint booths. What if you added some of our best paint booth accessories? Imagine the type of power you could put behind…

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Paint-Booth-Painters-Lifts-3-Axis-2-Axis Mounted to Wall of Truck Paint Booth

What are the Best Types of Paint to Use in Spray Booths?

If you haven’t done it yet, you better get cracking. Solvent-based paints are out and you only have until next year to comply with new regulations banning solvent-based paints in spray booth operations. Fortunately, the move away from solvent-based paints to water-based paints is a win-win for both your business and the environment. The Dangers…

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How Do Seasons Affect Paint Booth Productivity?

How Do Seasons Affect Spray Booth Productivity?

As winter approaches dropping temperatures can affect spray booth productivity in body shops across the country. Ideally you want San Diego weather, a cool 60 to 75 degrees for your outdoor temperatures year round. But, that’s not always possible. So how do the seasons affect your paint booth’s productivity and what can you do to keep…

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Should I invest in a single skin and dual skin paint booth?

Should I Invest in a Single Skin and Dual Skin Paint Booth?

Our distributors get questions all of the time about different features that come with standard paint booths. One option that many manufacturers, like Accudraft Paint Booths, offer is single skin versus dual skin paint booths. We will break down the difference between the two and whether or not it makes sense to invest in one…

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Limit to How Many Cars I Can Paint in a Heated Paint Booth?

Is there a Limit to How Many Cars I Can Paint in a Heated Paint Booth?

When shopping for a paint booth for the first time, there are a lot of questions that you need answered. If you are buying an Accudraft Paint Booth it means that you want to elevate the performance of your shop. So how many cars can you paint in a heated paint booth? How Is Your…

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How Much Electric Service Do I Need for My Paint Booth?

If this is your first time buying a paint booth, you understandably have many questions. One of the top questions our distributors get is how much electric service is needed to operate a paint booth. There are important factors that will determine how much electric service you need. Paint Booths Require Different Loads Your paint…

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5 Tips to Keep Your Accudraft Paint Booth Spotless

Our Accudraft Paint Booths can do a lot of things. Without a doubt, our paint booths give you a much better finish than any other paint booth manufacturer in the industry. Yet, if your paint booth filters are clogged and debris is seeping into the container, your jobs are not going to look their best….

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Should I Switch to LED Lights for My Accudraft Paint Booth?

By now, you’ve heard of LED lighting and you have probably even switched to LEDs in your house, but what about in your paint booth? Switching to LED lights where only 5% of the energy used to produce light is wasted, only makes sense for paint booth operators. Compare that to filament and incandescent bulbs…

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