Square footage is a facility’s most expensive resource. When installing a new spray booth or

KD Integrated Air makeup Unit
finishing station, new space-saving options are available. Such options include installing makeup air units outside an adjacent wall or buying a paint booth or prep-station with the air mechanicals built into or on top of the main structure. When installing a new paint booth or finishing station, always keep your shop’s flow and overall square footage in mind. A shop layout design can be done by your spray booth installer or contractor or your paint jobber.
Main Goal of Space Saving Spray Booths
The goal is to maximize flow within the shop without creating a bottleneck every time something is finished or whenever a job needs to be moved from repair to finishing. If designed correctly, your paint finishing department and repair areas should flow seamlessly and Accudraft space saving options can be the key to a high producing shop layout. Check out the SS space saver spray booth or a high performer paint booth with overhead mechanicals. For the ultimate in space savings and shop flow, check out Accudraft’s complete outdoor paint booth systems.